4 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Choir Rehearsal

As we embark on a new choir year, here are four ways to get the most out of choir rehearsals:

#1. Get to know your neighbours:

The wonderful thing about singing in a choir, is that it takes many voices to make the choral sound. This means that there are a variety of new people to meet! Introduce yourself, and get to know the people whose voices join your own every week! A friendship made in choir can last a lifetime!

= Helping

#2. Remember your music:

The music you receive each year, is your own personal copy, and we encourage you to make notes all over your music (in pencil!) to remind you of cues, and other important information. If you forget your music, you can forget these important prompts. Remember to bring your music, and a pencil!


#3. Be punctual: 

Because of the nature of choral singing, all members of the choir are equally important, which means if you’re not at choir when rehearsal starts, you could be missing some important information, and the choir is missing your important voice. As much as possible, get to choir on time, (or early!), so you can get the most out of rehearsal.

= children singing

#4. Actively participate:

We’re all in choir because we love to sing, so while we’re rehearsing, try to engage as much as possible with material. That can be as simple as silently rehearsing your own part while the conductor is busy with another section, or answering a question the conductor might ask! The more you participate, the more you’ll get out of the rehearsal!



Tell us, how are you going to get the most out of choir rehearsal?

Singing For The Joy off It!




