Friday morning we took the subway and the tram to the center of town and had a two-hour master class at the Music Conservatory. There, our conductor taught us some folk-songs in Czech! It was a great session. After lunch, there was a welcome ceremony at City Hall, where we were addressed by the Mayor of Prague and other dignitaries. This was followed by a tour of the city hall and a climb to the top of the clock tower. Once we reached the top we were treated to stunning city views.

In the late afternoon, all the choirs sang a brief program for each other. We enjoyed hearing the other choirs with their unique sound, style repertoire and uniforms! Everyone was fantastic and it was interesting to hear the differences between them all. We rounded off the day with a dinner of pork, a LOT of it, with potato dumplings, cabbage, and carrot cake for dessert! After a subway ride home at 11 pm, we were all ready to settle in for a good nights sleep. Thankfully, our day tomorrow is a later start and we can sleep in a bit.