Category: Travel

  • 2019 Tour | Day 7 – Leipzig

    2019 Tour | Day 7 – Leipzig

    We were lucky to have a bit of a later start today, leaving the hotel at 9:30 for a walking tour of Leipzig. On the tour, we saw quite a […]

  • 2019 Tour | Day 6 – Leipzig

    2019 Tour | Day 6 – Leipzig

    The choir started the day off bright and early to travel to Ohrdruf to visit the house Bach stayed in with his brother after his parents had died. It was  […]

  • 2019 Tour | Day 5 – Eisenach

    Baby Bach here! Hope you’re ready to find out all about our day today back in my hometown. We started off the day on the bus from Prague to Eisenach. […]

  • 2019 Tour | Day 4 – Prague

    2019 Tour | Day 4 – Prague

    Our morning began, as most fine mornings do, in the sweltering heat, on the Prague metro, in wool kilts, getting laughed at by crazy people. We then made our way […]

  • 2019 Tour | Day 3 – Prague

    Today the choir group started their day with a delicious breakfast followed by a trip down to the hotel’s pool to dip their toes into the water. Next up they […]

  • 2019 Tour | Day 2 – Prague

    2019 Tour | Day 2 – Prague

    Friday morning we took the subway and the tram to the center of town and had a two-hour master class at the Music Conservatory. There, our conductor taught us some […]

  • 2019 Tour | Day 1 – Prague

    It has been a busy, exciting tour so far. After we arrived in Prague at 7:00 am and grabbed a quick airport breakfast. It was about midnight our time when we met […]

  • Italy Tour – Padova

      After a very tiring concert and party yesterday, the choir enjoyed sleeping in late and eating a late breakfast at 9:30. After packing our bags, we got onto the […]

  • Italy Tour – Pisa and Lucca

    After our relaxing and radiant day yesterday, the choir was in good spirits and ready for more walking! We kicked off the day with a delicious breakfast at the hotel, […]

  • Italy Tour – Cinque Terre

    The sixth day in Rome for the choir started bright and early as we all hopped on the bus at 7:20AM and headed to the docks where we would depart […]

  • Italy Tour – Florence!

    The Calgary Children’s Choir had a bright and early start this Friday morning, having breakfast at 6:30am.  After breakfast we packed up then hit the road. We embarked on the […]

  • Italy – Rome Day 3!

    We had another amazing (albeit very warm) day. The choir started the day off singing a concert at St. Agnes’s church, a beautiful space. Around the age of 12-13, St. Agnes […]

  • Italy Tour – Rome Day 2!

    We had an early start today being on the bus at 7:45, which then took a scenic route to the renowned Vatican City. As you could imagine it is a […]

  • Italy Tour – Rome!

      This morning was our first rehearsal of the tour! We found a cute little conference room on the upper level of the hotel, and practiced for about two hours. […]

  • Italy Tour – Travel and Rome!

    Hello, it has been a very long day for all of us here in Italy! First things first, at 9 AM on the 2nd of July we met at the […]

  • Remembering With Music

    This past Sunday, Canada remembered the Battle of Vimy Ridge, on its 100th anniversary. In 1922, France gave to Canada the land for the memorial, and the surrounding area “forever […]

  • Singing In Sacred Spaces

    We are very excited about many aspects of our upcoming summer tour to Italy, the food, the weather, the art; but we are perhaps most excited for the amazing performance […]

  • 3 Ways In Which Choir Makes You More Adventurous!

    Choir is an excellent place to test out uncertain waters. It is safe, and communal, and supportive, and it’s a great place to become more adventurous! #1. Weird warmups: Singing […]

  • Ottawa Tour 2015 – Day 5!

    Today we started with the doors to the breakfast hall being locked, so after some confusion and some well placed phone calls by Heather Fradette we got our morning meal […]

  • Ottawa Tour 2015 Day 3!

    Today was a very full day, rehearsing en masse with the mind-bogglingly energetic and musically brilliant Dr Sirett. We were especially 8:30 in the morning when the rehearsal started, or […]

  • Ottawa Tour 2015 Day 4!

    We started the day bright and early with an 8:30 rehearsal with Dr. Sirett, tired and groggy from “the grog”, the music woke us up.   After a lunch on […]

  • Ottawa Tour 2015 – Day 2!

    Today was a very eventful day. We went to the Museum Of Canadian History, the mall and had our first mass rehearsal for Unisong! We woke up quite early to […]

  • Ottawa 2015 Tour – Day 1

    What a day! Starting off bright and early, we met at the Calgary airport at 8:10 am. We took off right before noon. The flight was a little bumpy, but […]

  • The Olympics and Choral Music

    The Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics are often a great occasion to demonstrate fun and unique choral music. In celebration of the Opening Ceremonies of the XXII Winter Olympics in […]

  • The Value of Touring

    Tour is just one of the many exciting benefits of joining a choir. The Calgary Children’s Choir tours every two years, and we carefully select touring destinations that enhance our […]