Tag: tour

  • Singing in Segovia

    The day started off bright and early with a lovely breakfast at 7:45!   After a delicious breakfast we departed for Segovia, where we visited the castle Alcazar, the segovian […]

  • Today in Toledo

    It’s not every day that you have the opportunity to sing in a cathedral that houses a Michaelangelo painting.  We had this amazing opportunity today in Toledo. After a morning […]

  • Bienvenido A Madrid!

    Today was definitely a packed day! It began with the whole choir waking up early and heading to the airport at six o’clock in the morning. We said farewell to Paris and […]

  • Let Them Eat Cake!

    This morning the choir visited the Chateau de Versailles, and then spent the afternoon near the Sacré Choeur Basilica. (Photo by Kat Long)     (Photo by Kat Long) (Photo […]

  • Notre-Dame and Saint Eustache

    What can I say about today that will do it any justice? One thing is certain: it is unanimous among the touring choir that today was one of the most […]

  • Un Canadien Errant

    Que c’était un journée tellement excitent! We started our very long, very eventful day at the VimyRidge Memorial in Arras. I think I speak for all of us when I […]

  • Arrival in Arras

    We have finally arrived in Europe! Wow! What a long day we have all had! After two plane rides (first Calgary to London, and then London to Paris) and a […]

  • Welcome to Tour 2013: France and Spain!

    Happy Canada Day! We are so thrilled to be leaving tomorrow (July 2nd) for our 10 day tour of France and Spain! Stay tuned to the ‘News’ section of our […]

  • Blogging For the Joy of It!

    Hello and welcome to the Calgary Children’s Choir blog! This will be a space where you can access all kinds of important and interesting information about the Calgary Children’s Choir, […]