Author: Rachael Mollison-Read

  • Fear In Singing

    Fear is a common emotional response in singing, and it’s a difficult emotion to combat. Here are three ways to re-frame fear in singing: #1. Fear can be positive: Fear as a human emotion, is actually there for good reason. It prevents us from things that may harm us. While singing is not actually harmful,…

  • Collaboration In Choir

    Choir is, by definition, an exercise in collaboration. It is inherently collective; a shared experience, and it can help choristers to develop the essential skill of collaboration, both personally and musically. #1. Working together: This may seem self evident, but working together within a choral setting is fundamental. This isn’t just a musical point as…

  • Welcome to 2017!

    Happy New Year! Welcome to 2017! We are very excited to start 2017, because we have so many wonderful things happening in this new singing season. -Rehearsals begin again on Tuesday, January 3rd, 2017! -At the end of January we will be heading out to Camp Horizon once more for a Winter Retreat! – On…

  • Celebrating With Song

    Holidays are a time for celebration, and there are few things more celebratory than music! Singing in particular offers a great way to manifest that celebratory feeling: #1. Communication: Celebration is all about communicating a feeling experience by many people at once. Music offers that ability in a manner that transcends language, culture, and religion.…

  • Trust In Singing

    Singing, and music in general engender many emotions, as discussed in this post. There are many positive emotions that arise from singing, as well as the occasional one. One aspect of positive emotion found particularly in choral singing, is trust. Trust is a powerful emotion because it takes time and effort to build, but can…

  • How Emotions Affect Singing

    Emotion is necessary in musical expression, but our emotions can have a very strong effect on how we sing. Here are 3 ways in which our emotions can affect our singing: #1. Positive emotions: Positive emotions, such as joy, excitement, and love, often have an equally positive impact on our singing. These emotions help us…

  • Singing For Wellness

    There are many studies that have shown the benefits of music on cognitive function, and childhood development, but perhaps one of the greatest benefits of music, and singing in particular is the benefits to our sense of well being. #1. Physical Well-being: Singing requires a great deal of physicality, and an excellent sense of self.…

  • The Sounds of Silence

    Choir, and music in general is all about how to organize sound, so it seems incongruous to discuss the importance of silence in singing. But silence is an exceptionally important aspect of music, and here are three reasons why: #1. Audience: In classical settings, unlike more popular music concerts, the audience is expected to be…

  • The Benefit of Sectionals

    We spend a lot of time discussing how important it is to sing as a group, to listen to the other parts, and to blend seamlessly, but it’s just as important for sections of the choir to break off sometimes and have their own time in a sectional, separate from the rest of the choir:…

  • Atmospheric Music

    Happy Halloween! In honour of this spooktacular day, we thought we would discuss how important music can be in the creation of atmosphere! #1. Creating tension: Try watching a scary movie without the sound, and suddenly, it becomes significantly less terrifying. This is because music and sound are used to great effect, in enhancing tension.…

  • Discipline In Singing

    One of the most important aspects of learning music, is the discipline that it requires. Studying music is not like many other pursuits; it  requires continual and dedicated time, patience, and discipline. #1. Little by little: Music, like learning a new language, is best done in small, but consistent portions of time. The repetition required…

  • The Importance of Early Music Education

    Every day we learn more about the many benefits of music education. There have been numerous studies in recent years highlighting the myriad ways in which learning music can benefit people in both mind, and body! Nowhere is this more evident than in early childhood: #1. Sound is natural: Sound is everywhere. It is as…

  • Present Focused Performance

    Performing is a unique aspect of singing with a group. By the time a performance rolls around, the basic necessities of learning a piece of music are already accomplished. The notes, and rhythms have been learned, the words have been memorized. Performance evokes something completely different in musicians. It makes demands of your present self:…

  • Growth In Singing

    Since many of us start singing at quite a young age (our Music Makers program starts at 3!) We can experience a lot of growth in our time as singers. This manifests both physically (our voices often don’t mature fully until we’re ~30 years old), but it also manifests in our state of mind. Here…

  • Self-Awareness In Singing

    Singing is different than playing any other instrument. Because a singer’s body is their instrument, singers must make an extra effort, not just to take care of their instrument, but to conceptualize that instrument from the inside out: #1. Self-visualization: Singers are not able to open up their body and view their instrument, to have…

  • Welcome to 2016-2017!

    Welcome to our 2016-2017 Singing Season! We are thrilled to welcome returning and new choristers to another year of wonderful music with the CCC! There are many wonderful events in store this year, including the celebration of our 30th Anniversary! September 16th-18th, 2016 – Choir Camp December 10th, 2016 – Christmas Concert @ St. Giles…

  • Spring Concert 2016 Roundup!

    Our concert took place at the Rosza Centre on Saturday, May 14, and featured the incomparable Jonathan Love as host and collaborator.  Much of our music fit loosely into a theme of nature, and more specifically birds – as we performed pieces such as “The Bluebird”, by C.V. Stanford, “Be Like A Bird” by Sheila…

  • Musical Professions: Audio Engineer

    This is the sixth post in our series, Musical Professions, in which we will be taking a closer look at the myriad of careers available to those with a background in, and a passion for music! Many musicians chose to pursue a combination of these musical professions, making them incredibly versatile and well-rounded! Audio Engineer…

  • Musical Professions: Musicologist

    This is the sixth post in our series, Musical Professions, in which we will be taking a closer look at the myriad of careers available to those with a background in, and a passion for music! Many musicians chose to pursue a combination of these musical professions, making them incredibly versatile and well-rounded! Musicologist Musicology…

  • Musical Professions: Performer

    This is the fourth post in our series, Musical Professions, in which we will be taking a closer look at the myriad of careers available to those with a background in, and a passion for music! Many musicians chose to pursue a combination of these musical professions, making them incredibly versatile and well-rounded! Performer There…

  • Musical Professions: Music Therapy

    This is the third post in our series, Musical Professions, in which we will be taking a closer look at the myriad of careers available to those with a background in, and a passion for music! Many musicians chose to pursue a combination of these musical professions, making them incredibly versatile and well-rounded! Music Therapy…

  • Musical Professions: Composer

    This is the second post in our series, Musical Professions, in which we will be taking a closer look at the myriad of careers available to those with a background in, and a passion for music! Many musicians chose to pursue a combination of these musical professions, making them incredibly versatile and well-rounded! Composers There…

  • Musical Professions – Music Teacher

    This is the first post in our newest series, Musical Professions, in which we will be taking a closer look at the myriad of careers available to those with a background in, and a passion for music! Many musicians chose to pursue a combination of these musical professions, making them incredibly versatile and well-rounded! Music…

  • Studying Music At University

    Many of our choristers have gone on to study music, or arts related programs at University, and there are a variety of different career paths you can take to make music an even larger part of your life. We’ll discuss musical careers in greater detail in an upcoming series. Many of our choristers have also…

  • 3 Ways In Which Music Makes You a Better Problem-Solver

    Music has untold benefits for those who study it, and one of those great benefits is the ability to solve problems in creative and unique ways: #1. Perspective Shift: Music, and in particular singing, demands the ability to understand things from other perspectives. The ability to approach a problem from multiple perspectives is essential. Creative…