Category: Arts

  • The Olympics and Choral Music

    The Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics are often a great occasion to demonstrate fun and unique choral music. In celebration of the Opening Ceremonies of the XXII Winter Olympics in […]

  • A Brief History of Folk Music

    Come and check out our annual Folk Concert on March 8th, 2014 at the Rozsa Centre, and hear some great examples of Spanish folk songs! Folk music has a long […]

  • The Value of Touring

    Tour is just one of the many exciting benefits of joining a choir. The Calgary Children’s Choir tours every two years, and we carefully select touring destinations that enhance our […]

  • Classical Era Music Versus Classical Music

    The term “classical music” has become something of  a misnomer, used to describe virtually any music that was not written within the last fifty years. This can be quite misleading, […]

  • Why Choose Choir?

    There are so many wonderful extracurricular activities for kids to enjoy these days that it may be hard to decide between them all! Here are four reasons why choir is […]

  • Welcome to 2014!

        Welcome to 2014! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday! We are so excited to be starting another great season of singing. There are a number of exciting […]

  • Christmas Concert Roundup!

    On Saturday, December 14th, 2013, we had our annual Christmas concert, A Child’s Carol, at the Rozsa Centre! We featured Benjamin Britten’s, A Ceremony of Carols, as well as some […]

  • The Five Senses In Singing – Taste

    Welcome to our series, The Five Senses In Singing! For the next five weeks, we will be examining how the five senses – sound, sight, smell, touch, and taste, are all related to singing! […]

  • The Five Senses In Singing – Touch

    Welcome to our series, The Five Senses In Singing! For the next five weeks, we will be examining how the five senses – sound, sight, smell, touch, and taste, are all related to […]

  • The Five Senses In Singing – Smell

    Welcome to our series, The Five Senses In Singing! For the next five weeks, we will be examining how the five senses – sound, sight, smell, taste, and touch, are all related […]

  • The Five Senses In Singing – Sight

    Welcome to our series, The Five Senses In Singing! For the next five weeks, we will be examining how the five senses – sound, sight, smell, taste, and touch, are […]

  • The Five Senses In Singing – Hearing

    Welcome to our new series, The Five Senses In Singing! For the next five weeks, we will be examining how the five senses –  sound, sight,smell, taste, and touch – […]

  • Halloween Concert Roundup!

    Despite the 15 centimetres of snow, and blowing winds last night, our first concert of the year – the much anticipated Halloween concert – was a rousing success! The hall […]

  • House Songs!

    This year, at our choir camp in September, we had a Harry Potter theme. As part of that theme, the choir members were divided into three different houses: House Harmony, […]

  • Choral Singing Versus Solo Singing

    There are many differences between choral singing and solo singing. Here are three important differences to consider: #1. Blend: One of the key factors in choral singing is blending many voices […]

  • Choir Camp 2013!

    This weekend, the Calgary Children’s Choir went out to Camp Horizon to enjoy a wonderful weekend of choir camp! Camp is a great opportunity for all of the choristers to […]

  • In An Old House in Paris

    On Tour with the Calgary Children’s Choir: Summer 2013 Judith Pond    (photo via Caela McCann) In an old house in Paris that was covered with vines, lived twelve little […]

  • All Too Soon

    We started our day at 9:00 in the morning, when we got on our tour bus to go to the El Prado Museum. We were all very excited because we […]

  • Singing in Segovia

    The day started off bright and early with a lovely breakfast at 7:45!   After a delicious breakfast we departed for Segovia, where we visited the castle Alcazar, the segovian […]

  • Today in Toledo

    It’s not every day that you have the opportunity to sing in a cathedral that houses a Michaelangelo painting.  We had this amazing opportunity today in Toledo. After a morning […]

  • Bienvenido A Madrid!

    Today was definitely a packed day! It began with the whole choir waking up early and heading to the airport at six o’clock in the morning. We said farewell to Paris and […]

  • Let Them Eat Cake!

    This morning the choir visited the Chateau de Versailles, and then spent the afternoon near the Sacré Choeur Basilica. (Photo by Kat Long)     (Photo by Kat Long) (Photo […]

  • Notre-Dame and Saint Eustache

    What can I say about today that will do it any justice? One thing is certain: it is unanimous among the touring choir that today was one of the most […]

  • Un Canadien Errant

    Que c’était un journée tellement excitent! We started our very long, very eventful day at the VimyRidge Memorial in Arras. I think I speak for all of us when I […]

  • Arrival in Arras

    We have finally arrived in Europe! Wow! What a long day we have all had! After two plane rides (first Calgary to London, and then London to Paris) and a […]